Surveying of Local Factors in Edentulous Iraqi Population

Abbas F Al-Rahmani


Introduction : The diagnosis and prognosis for complete denture are influenced by many factors .Local factors could play a significant
role in this aspect .These factors could be variable from race to race .Accordingly the researcher decided to carry out a
survey on Iraqi patients to find out the distribution of these factors among Iraqi population and to figure out if there was any inter
relationship between them .
Materials and Methods : A sample of 200 Iraqi edentulous patients was selected randomly (male and female ). The range of the
age was 40-80 years old .the evaluation of local factors were decided by visual and digital examination. These factors were face
form ,ridge form ,size of the ridge antero-posterior position of the tongue ,depth of the palate ,ridge relationship .
Results : regarding face –form relation ,both ovoid and square face-form constituted 32% of each of them whereas other classes
showed lesser percentages . Regarding the interrelationship between tongue size and antero-posterior position of the tongue,
there is (to some extent) a relation between the size of the tongue and the antero- posterior position of the tongue.The percentage
of medium size tongue agreed with that of the retruded tongue, whereas the small size tongue corresponded to the protruded
tongue. Regarding depth of the palatal vault and size of the tongue, there is (to some extent) a correlation between them, medium
palatal vault correspond with the medium size tongue.
Conclusion : It was concluded that most of the corresponded local factors played a role in diagnosis and prognosis of the Iraqi
edentulous patients and there was inter-relationship among these local factors which had an effect on diagnosis and prognosis
of edentulous patients .


local factors, palatal vault, ridge relationship ,tongue size .

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