The prevalence of Sella Turcica Bridging in Different skeletal Classes
Background: Sella Turcica is an important anatomical structure for cephalometric assessment because within its center lies sella point which helps in evaluation of craniofacial morphology.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of a SellaTur- cicabridge and linear measurements of sella in subjects with different skeletal Classes.
Materials and method: Sella Turcica bridging and size were evaluated forfive hundred pre-treatment digital lateral cephalometric radiographs of Iraqi male (223) and female (277) patients with age range10-39 years, they were collected and classified into three groups according to skeletal classes.
RESULTSSella turcica bridging was found in the three groups, the overall rate of Sella Turcica bridging was higher in skeletal class III group (42.57%) and in female (21.2%) but the difference was non-significant. there was a significant difference in sella bridging between the three age groups (it was higher in the younger age group).A non- significant- difference in sella size between genders, age groups and skeletal classes.
Conclusions: the prevalence of sella turcica bridging is greater in patients with a skeletal Class III relationship, females and young age group.Skeletal class, age and gender had a non- significant difference in Sella Turcica linear measurements. Bridging of sella, in the absence of clinical signs or symptoms, is considered a normal variant of the sella turcica, although many pathological processes can be associated with this calcification.
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