Periodontal Health Status & Salivary Elements Analysis (Iron & Potassium) Among Group of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis & Chronic Periodontitis

Maha Sh. Al-Rubaie


Background: Periodontal diseases are common in the society & some researchers suggested an association between rheumatoid ar- thritis (RA) & periodontal diseases. The aim of the present study was to determine the periodontal health status in patient with RA & chronic periodontitis & compare it with those having chronic periodontitis only & determine the level of salivary elements; iron (Fe) & potassium (k) in both groups & compare it with control group & correlate between these salivary elements with the periodontal param- eters plaque index (PLI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PPD) & clinical attachment level (CAL).

Materials & Methods: The samples were recruited from patients referred to department of rheumatology at Baghdad Hospital. Seventy five (75) patients participated in this study, twenty five of them had rheumatoid arthritis with chronic periodontitis; twenty five had chronic periodontitis only without arthritis & another twenty five patients were periodontally & systemically healthy (control group). The patients were with age range 40-50 years with no other systemic disease. Periodontal parameters were measured in all groups at four surfaces which include plaque index, gingival index, bleeding on probing, probing pocket depth & clinical attachment level. Salivary samples were collected under standardized condition & then analyzed for estimation of the level of potassium by using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) while the iron level by using spectrophotometric analysis.

Results: Patients with RA & chronic periodontitis had higher prevalence of site presenting dental, plaque, a higher rate of gingival inflammation & bleeding on probing, greater probing depth & clinical attachment level with a significant difference from the group of patients with chronic periodontitis alone without RA the results also revealed a higher concentration of iron & potassium among the rheumatoid arthritis group than the second & control group with a statistically highly significant difference between the three groups.

Conclusion: The results suggest higher potentiality for moderate to severe periodontitis involvement among RA patients with higher levels of salivary iron & potassium. The coexistence of RA & chronic periodontitis could possibly influence the inflammatory process & the pathogenesis of one disease on the other.


Rheumatoid arthritis, Chronic periodontitis, Salivary elements.

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