Changes in Pocket Depth, Clinical Attachment Level , and Alveolar Bone Height Distal to Lower Second Molar After Impacted Lower Third Molar Removal
The purpose of this retrospective clinical and radiographic study was to evaluate the periodontal condition of mandibular second molar after surgical removal of adjacent impacted mandibular third molars in patients who had undergone a unilateral, partially or fully impacted third molar extraction, at the Outpatient Clinic, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of dentistry, Hawler Medical University, between the years 2010 and 2011.The sample size was 40 healthy patient with inclusion criteria aged between 18-32 years old.
The same operator removed the impacted third molars in all patients. Periodontal measurements including periodontal probing depth PPD, clinical attachment level CAL,& alveolar bone height ABH were examined at distal surface of second molars before & 6 months after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars .OPG was taken for each patients pre& post operatively. The data were analyzed using SPSS soft ware, version 12(SPSS,Chicago,IL).A paired t- test was used to fined a significant changes in the three recorded variables about 6 months post operatively. The results from this study showed that a significant improvements in all the periodontal parameters after removal of impacted mandibular third molars.
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