Comparative study of retention of fiber-Reinforced post at middle and cervical one thirds of root canal cemented by Glass ionomer and Self adhesive Resin cement measured at different times

Mohammed R.


The purpose of this study was to compare regional bond strength at middle and cervical thirds of the root canal among glass fiber- reinforced composite (FRC) endodontic posts luted with different cements, using the push-out test to compare the performance (retention) of two types of luting cements ;Glass ionomer cement and resin cement used to cement translucent fiber post and to compare the result of the push-out test at different storage times;1 week ,1month and 2 months.

Sixty caries-free, recently extracted single-rooted human teeth with straight root canals was used in this study, The root canals were endodontically instrumented at a working length of 0.5 mm from the apex by means of conventional instruments for hand use (Dentsply, Switzerland) up to size 35.then root canal filling was performed followed by post space preparation up to 8mm including cervical and middle one third of root canal then the fiber post was cemented into canal post space then the root was sectioned to get cervical (4 mm in length) and middle (4 mm in length) thirds ,these thirds were examined by push out test to get values of retention of fiber post inside these canal thirds .The results of this study has been showed that there was higher signifi- cant more push out bond strength between fiber post and root at cervical third as compared with middle third also the results showed that there was higher significant differences between push out bond strength between the two types of dental cements used to cement the fiber post to the root canal and after 1 month and 2 months the push out bond strength was increase for both types of cements.


glass fiber post, push out retention ,glass ionomer, self adhesive Resin

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