Evaluation of SBS between Artificial Teeth and Denture Base after Different Surface Treatment
Background : Fracture or detachment(debond) of artificial plastic teeth from the denture base is a common clinical problem
phenomenon.This fracture or detachment could be a result of many variable causes. This study was conducted to compare and
evaluate the shear bond strength between artificial denture teeth and denture base material that was cured by conventional method
using water path device after application of different surface treatment and to the best of our knowledge no study has been
reported using dental cement resin and chemically cure composite as surface treatment.
Materials and method: 45 cylindrical sticks of acrylic resin with denture teeth were prepared. Various treatments were done upon
the acrylic resin teeth surfaces. The samples were divided into three groups, containing 15 samples for each. Over all the treated
surfaces of all groups the first group included, surface treatment with monomer of self-cure acrylic resin that acted as a control
group. The second group included the surface treatment with chemically cured composite resin .The third group included the surface
treatment with dental cement resin. All surface treatments took time about 180 seconds on the denture teeth surfaces. The
shear strengths were measured in a Universal Testing Machine using a knife-edge shear test.
Results : The results showed that all surface treatments application improved the shear bond strength (SBS) significantly level at
(Pvalue < 0.05) , while the third group (cement resin) showed the highest SBS than other groups.The surface treatments technique
in this study influenced the shear bond strength of the tooth to the base .
Conclusion : It was concluded that the cement resin surface treatment may be recommended to be applied on the denture teeth
lab prior to the denture base processing .This result is of significant importance to improve the solution of fractured or detached
artificial teeth from denture base material.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26477/idj.v36i2.18
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