The Quality of Root Canal Preparation in Canals Treated with Rotary versus Self-adjusting Files: A Three-Dimensional Micro-Computed Tomography Study

Diyar Kh. Baker, Basam K. Amin, Sazan Sh. Saleem


Background and Objectives: The study was designed to quantitatively evaluate the quality of root canal preparation in canals
treated with either rotary (ProTaper Next) or self adjusting files (SAF), using high resolution three-dimensional micro–computed
tomographic (Micro-CT) analysis
Methods: twenty extracted single canal tooth were selected, the root canal divided in 2 groups. In the first group, the root canal
instrumented by using ProTaper Next rotary system and the root canal irrigated with 4ml of NaOCl after each instrument. The root
canals in the second group were prepared using SAF for 2min, with continuous irrigation (NaOCl), after rescanning, the area of the
canal wall unaffected by the preparation procedure was analyzed using before and after micro-CT images.
Result: A high percentage of unaffected root canal walls were found in canals treated with rotary files, with no significant difference
between two groups.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, the self-adjusting files allowed better cleaning and shaping of the root
canal filling than those allowed by rotary files.


ProTaper Next; Self adjusting file; Micro-CT; Unaffected root canals


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