The Iraqi Method of Natural Liquorice as a Mouth Rinse and Its Effect in Patient with Chronic Periodontitis

Alaa Omran Ali, Rafie Mohammed




 Background: Chronic periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the supporting tissues of the teeth and it’s a common chronic adult condition. Liquorice extract has been shown to effect the periodontium in decreasing its inflammation as a mouth wash. 

Aim of the study: Comparative study the effect of liquorice as a mouth rinse in patient with chronic periodontitis. 

Materials and Methods : In this study, 15 patients with chronic periodontists (study group) and 15 patient (control group) both received treatment in periodontal department of dentistry college by means of scaling and polishing, the study group in addition received the liquorice mouth rinse in order to study its effect and compare it with the control group. Plaque Index (PI) (sillness and loe 1964), Gingival Index (GI) (sillness and loe 1967) (1) were measured to assess the pattern of periodontal destruction for each patient. 

Result and discussion: Liquorice mouth-rinse users demonstrated less amount of plaque (study group) than in the (control group), and less gingival inflammation in the study group than in the control group. 

Conclusion: Liquorice extract as a mouth rinse has a an effect on the periodontal tissue health, by decreasing the amount of plaque and gingival inflammation without any side effect it can used for long time and as adjunct with scaling and polishing as treatment of periodontal disease.


Iraqi Method; Natural Liquorice; Mouth Rinse; Chronic Periodontitis

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